It is now reported that Jyothika is in talks for a new Malayalam movie that has Megastar Mammootty in the lead role and is likely to sign-up for the film soon. The film is directed by Jeo Baby of ‘The Great Indian Kitchen’ fame and produced by Mammootty himself. If the deal goes through this will be Jyothika’s first film with the legendary superstar. However, we still await official updates.
Meanwhile, Jyotika was last seen in Era Saravanan’s Udanpirappe. She starred along with Sasikumar and Samuthirakani in the film. Jyotika is known for her versatile roles, beautiful expressions, and strong performances, the actor has been into movies since a very young age. Although she made her debut in a Hindi movie directed by Priyadarshan which didn’t go that well, she gained much appreciation and love for her cameo in Vaali opposite Ajith directed by S J Suryah. This big hit grabbed her the movie with her then-lover and now husband Suriya – Poovellam Kettupaar.
From then, there’s no going back for this expressive actor. With a series of hits beginning with her most appreciated role to date from the movie Kushi, she has been time and giving us pretty good movies with not just scope for her acting but also a few feminist lessons to us – the society.