As per latest reports, actor Ajith Kumar has made a contribution of Rs. 25 Lakhs to the CM’s General relief fund on 14th May. This news was confirmed by the actor’s manager and publicist, Suresh Chandra on twitter which said, “Sri Ajith Kumar has has donated 25 lakhs to the Chief minister relief fund today via bank transfer.”
Official announcement
— Suresh Chandra (@SureshChandraa) May 14, 2021
On the cinema front, Thala fans have been waiting for a much required update on his latest
film Valimai. It is reported that the movie’s shooting is almost done except for one action
scene that is to be shot abroad. The release first-look poster of the movie has also been
delayed because of the pandemic.
Apart from Ajith, actors Suriya, Karthi and Sivakumar made a contribution of Rs.1 Crore to
the relief fund. They personally handed over the cheque to the Chief Minister after which
actor Sivakumar urged all his fans to contribute as well. Director A R Murugadoss and actor
and Politician Udhayanidhi Stalin have also contributed Rs.25 lakhs each.