In a recent, the latest to take it up to social media to praise the cast was Samantha Akkineni. The actress went on about how the film was touching on a personal level and how Suriya’s performance was exceptional. Taking to social media, the actress wrote, “Film of the year #SooraraiPottru . What a gem .. @Suriya_offl #SudhaKongara @Aparnabala2 .. @PrimeVideoIN .. Outstanding .. just the inspiration I needed.”
Film of the year #SooraraiPottru . What a gem 🔥.. @Suriya_offl 🙏🙏🙏 #SudhaKongara ❤️❤️❤️ @Aparnabala2 🌸.. @PrimeVideoIN .. Outstanding .. just the inspiration I needed 😭
— Samantha Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) December 1, 2020
The film, that released on November 12 on OTT, has been a favourite of movie-buffs this year. Suriya is now onto Vetrimaaran’s Vaadi Vaasal. Meanwhile Samantha has Kaathuvaakkula Rendu Kadhal alongside Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara. She also has next with Game Over director Ashwin Saravanan alongside actor Prasanna. She is currently running a talk show Sam Jam in which she had Rana Daggubati and is currently shooting with Megastar Chiranjeevi.