
Shocking: Indian Women World Number Third In Beating Husbands!

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New Delhi: A statistic has been revealed by the UN indicates that India ranks third when it comes to husbands beaten up by their wives. Egyptian women ranked first in the world for abusing and beating their husbands.

Egypt is followed by the United Kingdom and India in the ranking. The data, obtained from the Egyptian Family Court, shows that 66% of wives who abuse and beat their husbands apply for divorce in the Family Court. Husbands who suffer abuse often have no another way to defend themselves from the violence except by suing their wives.

The data further reveals that wives don’t only use their hands in beating their husbands, but also tools such as pins, belts, weapons, kitchen tools and shoes. Some even using sleeping pills in order to beat and burn their husbands.

Also Read: Women Leaving Parents Is Tradition, Men Leaving Parents Means Divorce?

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