On daughter’s day 2021 which was celebrated yesterday, Arya posted a selfie with his newborn along with the caption, “2months of being Dad. Happy daughters day”, along with the hashtag #Ariana revealing the name of his baby girl. He tagged his beloved Sayyeshaa in his peace symbol selfie.
Sayyeshaa’s mother also took to her Instagram handle posting a beautiful name poster of her grandchild along with a heartfelt write-up which goes, “My granddaughter is two months old and you, my friends should know her name! It’s Ariana. It means pure. We loved it and so here it is! It also feels good as her dad is @aryaoffl and the name is close to his! @sayyeshaa loved the name and so did we! With all your love and blessings she is adorable and we will introduce you to her with her pictures in some time. She is too small and you know how elders are so protective. But everything is in good time. Please continue to bless her with your blessings and thank you so much for your kindness, my friends. 🌸💕.” This revel has left their fans head over the heels with wishes pouring in from them to this lovely couple.
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Sayyeshaa and Arya fell in love during their shoot of Ghajinikanth and tied the knot soon after. They have acted in three films together and were last seen together in the OTT release Teddy earlier this year and Kaapaan back in 2019 in which Sayyeshaa was the lead opposite to Suriya and Arya played a supporting role. She was last seen in Yuvarathnaa which marked her Kannada debut.