It seems she spent her weekend with her best friend Rahul Ravindran and Chinmayi Sripada’s house. Samantha was seen dancing to RRR’s hit song Nattu Nattu with one of their twin sons and she wrote, “My most handsome godson Sharvas”. In the following story she was seen pushing a chair with the twins, Sharvas and Driptah. Rahul Ravindran captured the video and reshared it. He wrote, ” Training from the champ herself.”
On work front and break
Samantha is currently on a break from acting. She took the 6 month break to focus on her health. It is reported that she’ll be undergoing treatment in the U.S.Despite her break from the industry, fans are eagerly waiting for her movie Kushi with Vijay Devarakonda. It is directed by Shiva Narayana, and movie is expected to be released on September 1. As Samantha takes her time to heal, her fans are constantly showering her love on social media.