The trailer of the Epic Biopic movie of Jayalalitha staring Kangana Raunat, Arvind swamy directed by AL Vijay ‘Thalaivi’ released yesterday. The movie is all set to be hit the screens on April 23rd 2021. On the occasion of the star of the film Kangana’s birthday, the actor visited Chennai for the trailer launch.
Several appreciated the actress, the actors and the director for putting up an impressive trailer together. Samantha also took to social media to express her views. “#ThalaiviTrailer is outstanding KanganaTeam. You are the bravest , most daring and indisputably the most talented actress of our generation #Vijay sir goosebumps stuff just goosebumps stuff. Can’t wait to witness this magic in the theatre,” wrote the actress in her Twitter account.
#ThalaiviTrailer is outstanding 🙌🙌 @KanganaTeam You are the bravest , most daring and indisputably the most talented actress of our generation 🙏🙌#Vijay sir goosebumps stuff just goosebumps stuff 🙏
Can’t wait to witness this magic in the theatre ❤️— Samantha Akkineni (@Samanthaprabhu2) March 23, 2021
Although there were debates about how a South Indian actress could have sported the role of the Ironlady of Tamil Nadu, Kangana seems to have taken a real effort to live the role of the fondly known Jaya Amma. Arvind Swami’s look as MGR seems to be the highlight of the film too where he manages to talk, walk and in fact even look almost like his doppleganger.
Carried out by A.L. Vijay, who is in charge of this multilingual project, says, “The film depicts the early years and struggles she faced both as an actor and as a politician. The film will be an unvarnished depiction of Late Jayalalitha’s life. The late CM’s life was a mix of glamour, love, heartbreak, struggle, and success. Our focus is to make it as real as possible, without trying to glorify her, but show the human side of the person she was. Kangana’s dedication towards playing the character shows in the fact that she gained weight to stay true to the stage of her life that she is portraying. Her attention to detail, her makeup and costumes will make it a visual treat for the audience. They will feel like they are watching Jayalalitha herself on screen.”