In 2019, Director Raj Chakraborty did a film called Parineeta in Bengali which became a hit. There have been reports that the director is all set to make a remake of the film in Hindi. Latest reports suggest that the Director is looking for a leading lady from the South to play the titular role in the film. According to several reports, we might see actress Sai Pallavi playing the role of Parineeta in the Hindi remake. Even Raj Chakraborty himself recently confirmed that the project will happen soon and the final cast announcement will be done only then.
If reports are to be believed, the director has already accepted a lucrative offer from an OTT giant to remake the film. But there’s no other news about whether it will be made into a web series or a film just like the original movie. The original revolves around the character ‘Mehul’ who is a child-like teenager, and her love for her neighbour Babai. The movie traces her journey and life from childhood to adulthood.
Sai Pallavi has so far worked in 15 plus films across Malayalam, Tamil and Telugu languages. She last saw the release of Gargi directed by Gautham Ramachandran. The movie had a prominent writing for Sai Pallavi’s role and she was the lead of the film. It revolved around her efforts to free her father who has been framed for a crime. Before Gargi, she was seen in Virata Parvam along with Priyamani and Rana Daggubati. This film was also like a women-centric one as it revolves fully on the character ‘Vennela’.