Last year actors like Fahadh Faasil, Amala Paul, and actor-BJP MP Suresh Gopi were under scrutiny for registering their luxury cars to Pondy and evading huge tax sums on the same. In Kerala, the road tax for cars costing above Rs.20 lakh is 20%, whereas in Puducherry it is only 13.75% or so.
Actor turned MP, Suresh Gopi, had reportedly registered his Audi Q7 in Puducherry by paying only Rs 1.5 lakh as road tax, a Mathrubhumi report stated that actor Amala Paul had bought a Mercedes costing over 1 crore and paid only Rs 1.75 lakhs as tax. It is also reported that Fahadh Faasil had registered his Rs 70 lakh Mercedes Benz E class in Puducherry by paying only Rs 1.5 lakh as car tax, as opposed to Rs. 14 lakh road tax he would have had to pay in Kerala.