The couple has so far not shared many photos with the child. They have still not revealed the face of the child as well. However, Priyanka has now taken to her Instagram, to share a cute click of her infant Malti. The actor is in casual wear and is holding the child in her hands. In another photo, we can see the child’s small foot on her face. Interestingly, there is a black anklet on the baby’s left foot. This is an Indian practice that is believed to help in warding off the evil eye.
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Earlier, reports suggested that the couple are most likely to go in for another baby, again via surrogacy. According to a Media House, a source close to the couple had apparently said, “Their (Priyanka and Nick) siblings are one of the most important parts of their lives so it’s something they definitely want for Malti. They’re not ready to welcome another just yet but when they do, they’re going to use a surrogate like they did last time. It’s not a matter of if, it’s only a matter of when.” However, this announcement has not been made officially.
Priyanka Chopra has a brother called Siddarth Chopra. On the other hand, Nick Jonas has three brothers, Kevin, Joe and Frankie Jonas. All four brothers have very little age gap. And, they’re all close to their respective families. This loving couple got married in 2018. The three-day wedding celebration had both Christian and Hindu marriage traditions at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Rajasthan. The two have been leading successful careers in their respective fields.