Joining many Tollywood and Kollywood celebrities including Mahesh Babu, Sivakarthikeyan, Suriya and Malavika Mohanan are Shruti Haasan, Akshara Haasan, Kamal Haasan and his ex-wife Sarika. The family has decided to self-isolate themselves at various locations since they had different commitments including shoot days, a report quoted Shruti Haasan saying. She was quoted as saying, “All of us had different travelling schedules and it didn’t make sense for us to isolate together. That’s the decision I feel people should make”.
Around this time, Shruti had an important message to share. “The insensitivity I’ve seen around me and on the news and some I’ve faced has made me realise – it’s alarming that a virus shows up attacking with no discrimination, but the real human disease is to find a reason to discriminate no matter what. Sad and horrid. Now is a time to help and spread love and spread kindness. The insensitivity I’ve seen around me and on the news and some I’ve faced has made me realise – it’s alarming that a virus shows up attacking with no discrimination, but the real human disease is to find a reason to discriminate no matter what. Sad and horrid. Now is a time to help and spread love and spread kindness,” stated the actress.
Shruti has bounced back into Kollywood with Vijay Sethupathi’s Laabam and Telugu film Krack alongside Ravi Teja.