It has been confirmed that the film will be directed by Nayanthara’s beau and filmmaker, Vignesh Shivan, and has been titled “Kaathu Vaakula Rendu Kadhal”. Lalit Kumar’s 7 Screen Studios is set to produce the film and Anirudh Ravichander is to be roped in as the music composer. If all goes well, it would be a huge delight for Samantha and Nayanthara fans since they will be sharing the big screen for the first time. As reported earlier, Vignesh Shivan and Vijay Sethupathi got together a few days back to discuss the film.
The first look says it would be Nayanthara Vs Samantha and this seems to be quite exciting. Sharing about this, Samantha wrote, “And I am super happy to present #kaathuvaakulaRenduKaadhal #KRK …. the best team anyone could ask for #Nayantara @actorvijaysethupathi@wikkiofficial @anirudhofficial.”
Vijay Sethupathi and Nayanthara teamed up earlier in the 2015 hit “Naanum Rowdy Dhaan” which was also written and directed by Vignesh Shivan himself. The Tamil film was later dubbed into Telugu as “Nenu Rowdy Ne”. Vijay Sethupathi and Samantha also worked with each other on the 2019 film “Super Deluxe” though they did not share screen time together.
Both Sam and Nayanthara are doing great in their personal life and professional careers. With 2019 being in favour for the gorgeous ladies, we cannot wait to see what they’ve got for us in store this 2020.