
I Don’t Believe In Love At First Sight: Nayanthara!

Nayanthara is love!


On what turns her off in a man

I don’t like it when a man is insensitive to a woman, or people around him for that matter. As a human being, I generally believe that one should be warm to people. I have come across certain people in life who don’t treat people well until and unless they are of their same stature and that really puts me off. Whether a man is honest or not is something you find out later, but things like how he is with other people is something you can find out in the beginning by the way he communicates with other people. I definitely want to be with someone who is down to earth and humble. I believe a man should be very well mannered and chivalrous. I have met quite a few men in my life and they know how to treat people and they especially know how to treat women; not just because she is a friend or a co-star but they would treat any woman with respect.

Now, after her brief escapade from cinema, she makes a comeback, stronger from all the lessons her life experiences have taught her.  It takes courage to live amidst all that bad publicity but it takes more courage to fight through all that negativity and return as someone bolder, to secure an unshakable place for themselves in the industry and Nayantara is doing just that. She has the air of a diva and in that petite exterior is hidden a brave woman, who has unwavering opinions on people, love, and life itself.


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