We all know that Simbu is controversy’s dear child and the kind of controversies he got himself into can (well mostly) not be forgotten. However, no one can deny the fact that an outstanding actor and has given a lot of hits in his career. On asking about the change in his image, the actor provided a heartwarming answer:
“I am not here to prove anything to anyone. It felt like I was always fighting with everyone, including myself. Then I realized, who should I fight? I’m no longer trying to be the next Rajini and I’m not running a rat race anymore. Even if I am, I’m enjoying it and not because I want to come first.”
Are you happy with the new Simbu?
I’m glad I changed. I would have been admitted to an asylum If I had not. I’ve come to know who I really am. Isn’t that what you call your spiritual journey?
He further added that if everyone realized his original character no one would have even taken him into the industry and I wouldn’t have become a star. “My fans feel that my talent and hard work have not been well recognized. They feel I keep getting degraded every time. So they stand by me in solidarity through the tough times. However, I have never understood this loyalty and neither has the industry. I feel bad because I haven’t done anything for my fans. It makes me emotional.”