
‘Fearless Girl’ Fights The Raging Bull At Wall Street!

This is such a proud moment!

Yes, of course women are fearless, however, how many of us really believe it? Here’s a girl who stands strong and bold on the Wall Street, the ultimate business street situated in the USA. Move over the famous bronze bull statue because Wall Street has built a new one. The bronze girl aka ‘fearless girl’ resting her hands on her hips and fearlessly facing her bovine counterpart grabbed the attention of many.

bronze girl


The tourists in lower Manhattan were absolutely stunned with the new upgradation on the Wall Street. The raging bull was all that caught the attention till now. The initiative, started by the State Street Global Advisors, was a symbol of call to all the women to portray their talent in corporate boards.

fearless girl


Kristen Visbal, a Lewes, Del., artist, who are known to be experts at creating many bronze sculptures, have also made this wonder which has won the hearts of millions. The statue was unveiled on International Women’s Day.

Impressive indeed!