He further added about how spirituality helped him, “Once upon a time, there was a Minister, who lead luxurious life in a royal place. All of a sudden, the Minister became a saint and stayed at a hut near the palace. When the King visited the Minister, he satirically asked ‘You left the powerful status and has become a saint, look at you, living in a simple hut’ and the minister replied ‘When I used to be your Minister, you would be sitting on the throne and I’ve to stand and answer to your questions. Today, you are standing in this hut and I’m sitting here peacefully, this is my achievement.”
He added that his brother Sathyanarayana is his first and foremost Guru and that he had introduced him to Ramakrishna Ashram and the late Ramakrishna Paramhamsa himself who is his second Guru. “Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is my second guru, learnt discipline and rituals from him. Ragavendra is my third guru, learnt bakthi from him. I learnt about myself from my fourth guru ‘Ramana Maharishi’ and came to know the nuances of social issues, Vedas, Upanishads through my fifth guru Dayanada Sarswathi Swamigal and my sixth guru is Satchidananda, who taught me about Mantra,” he further narrated about how these six Gurus helped him reach the path to Spirituality.
Superstar Rajinikanth’s ‘Baba’ movie was also inspired from one of his Spiritual stories ‘Oru Yogiyin Suyasarithai’ written by Paramhamsa Yogananda.