There were also rumors that Dhanush was the reason why the actress had to part ways with her director and ex-husband AL Vijay. “Rumors about me and Dhanush didn’t affect me much. Dhanush, Vijay and I are good friends but if we start paying attention to such rumors we can never move on with our work and life”, said Amala Paul in an interview to Ananda Vikatan.
Amala Paul has also jovially mentioned she kept waiting for her video, which was supposed to be posted by Suchitra. “I felt so sad that I couldn’t see my video”, said the VIP actress on a lighter note. Amala has revealed that in VIP 2, she will be playing Dhanush’s wife and showered praise on Kajol. “Kajol’s character will be the biggest strength of the film, she didn’t throw any starry tantrums and her energy level was unparalleled”, said Amala.