Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor announced her pregnancy with her first child in March 2022. She took to Instagram with a photo of her baby bump and wrote in the caption, “Four hands. To raise you the very best we can. Two hearts. That will beat in unison with yours, every step of the way. One family. Who will shower you with love and support. We can’t wait to welcome you. ❤️
#everydayphenomenal #comingthisfall2022” The baby was expected to be born in fall this year. The picture featured Sonam wearing a black body suit pampering her belly and lying down in her husband’s lap. Now, the couple has announced the birth of their first child.
She shared a colorful blue poster and said, “On 20.08.2022, we welcomed our beautiful baby boy with bowed heads and open hearts. Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, friends, and family who have supported us on this journey. It’s only the beginning, but we know that our lives have changed forever,” on Insta. We are yet to know what she is to name her son.
Sonam Kapoor is the oldest daughter of the 90’s hero Anil Kapoor and Sunita Kapoor. She tied the knot to her long-time boyfriend Anand Ahuja in 2018. She lastly took up the lead role paring up with Mollywood star Dulquer Salmaan in the movie ‘The Zoya Factor’ in 2019 and made a cameo appearance in her dad’s Ak vs AK that was released on Netflix 2020. Sonam and her husband moved to London to lead a happy and private life apart from the glam light.
Sonam Kapoor recently made an appearance on Karan Johar’s talk show Koffee With Karan, where she was seen along with Arjun Kapoor, her cousin brother. On the show, she called Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor starrer Brahmastra “Shiva No. 1″, told Karan Johar how most of her clothes are borrowed and revealed that her brothers have slept with all of her friends.