Yashika Anand, the youngest contestant and quite a make-up enthusiast, revealed what kind of a boyfriend she wants. Looking at the cameras, she said: “I wish I had a boyfriend like you who would always look at me!”
Mumtaz taught Yashika and Aishwarya Dutta the steps to ‘Kattipudi Kattipudi Da’ song. And while all that happened, Ramya NSK sang ‘Kodana Kodi’ song and kept all entertained.
And merry aside, Mumtaz and Mamathi spoke about little issues they’ve been having, mostly related to food. The case of rationing omelettes came up. “Everybody has quite an appetite,” Mumtaz said.
In the evening, the housemates share revelations about each other. Questions asked by Bigg Boss, it was revealed that Mumtaz finds Daniel Annie Pope irritating. “I think he’s too loud. I get startled when he talks,” she said.
Balajhie was asked whom he likes the most in the house. While everybody pointed to his estranged wife, Nithya, he said that he likes Sendrayan the most so far.
Strong-willed women are aplenty, like Mumtaz and Vaishnavi. “Sometimes the brutal honesty comes off as rude,” Mumtaz says.
Towards the end of the episode, Bigg Boss assigns the mates their next task. And while everyone’s trying to sleep and bonding in their rooms, Vaishnavi and Mamathi bond outside with fairy lights as the backdrop, talking about how everyone comes with their own story and baggage to the show.