In a recent interview with TOI, Vanitha Vijayakumar opened up about her experience about acting with Vijay. The actor debuted in the industry in the film Naalaya Theerpu directed by his father SA Chandrasekhar. He later when on to do a film Chandralekha which had Vanitha play the female lead.
In a recent interview, Vanitha said, “During the shooting of ‘Allah Un Aanai’ song in the film ‘Chandralekha’, Vijay refused to come out of his room for the shooting since he didn’t like the costume given to him. Shobha aunty was litreally begging him to come out and shoot.”
She further added, “There weren’t any designer at that time and the artist would have to wear the costumes stitched and given by the costumers only. All of us were young at that time and it is understandable how he felt with the costumes.”
Vanitha is currently a judge of the popular comedy show Kalakka Povathu Yaaru.