The first day of every season generally goes smoothly. Bigg Boss introduced a task where all have to name 2 contestants who did not connect with them in the first few hours. Nivaa, Queency, Janany and Vikraman, got the most votes for having the least connection with others. Bigg Boss then asked them to stay outside the house and sleep on Banana Beds which were placed outside.
The wake up son played on Day 1 was ‘Enga area ulla varadha’. Azeem failed to wake up and dance for the song, and Bigg Boss warned him against the same. Then, BB introduced that weekly tasks and luxury budget tasks would be different this season and that luxury points earned are individual and not group points. Therefore, people can fight and play well for their own luxury points.
The first task was also introduced, a buzzer task. Maheshwari and Amudhavan each earned 200 points for winning. Then, the house turned into BB Clubhouse for the week. The contestants were divided into 4 teams, cooking, cleaning, vessel washing and washroom cleaning. Each club had a competition to elect their leaders, who would remain leaders for the rest of the week.
In the day 2 promo, the cooking team is seen fighting with others for making tea for the other contestants. They are seen fighting with each other. Shivin has raised her voice against the other contestants. At the same time, Azeem and Maheshwari are seen having an argument. Apart from that, BB has made the clubhouse task even more interesting.