Ranbir Kapoor is awaiting the release of his film Shamsera where he is acting along with Sanjay Dutt. He has been busy promoting the film across spheres. On the other hand, the Gangubai Kathiawadi star Alia was last seen on Koffee With Karan along with Ranveer Singh, where she revealed a lot about her relationship with Ranbir. Now, in a recent interview, Ranbir and Alia were playing ‘2 Truths 1 lie’ in which he said, “I am having twins, to be part of a very big mythological film, I am taking a long break from work.”
Now, we know that Ranbir is indeed going to be a part of a very big mythological film ‘Bramhaastra’. Considering Ranbir’s work record, we know that he has never exactly taken a long break from work. So if that is false, then the second truth should be that the couple are expecting twins. However, he may also be taking a break from work as he is a father-to-be. So we never know! In case Ranbir has already revealed his little secret, then we are all in for a cuteness overload ride with twins from the couple.
Alia Bhatt is meanwhile awaiting the release of Darlings on 5th August, and Bramhaastra. She is filming for Rocky or Rani ki Prem Kahani and Heart of Stone. Apart from Shamsera, Ranbir is also awaiting the release of Bramhaastra, and is working on Animal.