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Andhra: Woman’s Dream Turns In To A Nightmare On The First Night Of Her Wedding!

In a shocking event, a woman was physically abused by her newlywed husband on the night of her wedding in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The man beat her up so badly that she was admitted in the hospital with swollen face and eyes. The groom had talked about his sexuality to his wife Shailaja and asked her to keep it a secret.

Shailaja, a final-year MBA student, married a school teacher in a grand wedding ceremony. The night after the wedding ceremony got over, she found out that all was not well with her husband, Prakash, who allegedly threatened that she should not reveal anything about him to the world outside.

She told police that he started beating her, even stuffing cloth into her mouth, after which she ran out of their room. However, Shailaja was forced back into the room by people who assumed she had panicked after the wedding ceremony, police said.

However, after a while Shailaja’s screams forced those oytside including her parents to break open the doors and rescue her. She was then admitted in the critical care unit.

Prakash claimed that Shailaja had abused him and his parents and so he beat her up. Police said they have booked him for assault and have taken him into custody. Police said a medical examination will determine the facts of the case.