He opened up about his experience with the Viswasam actor in recent times. The Vaaname Ellai actor stated that he spotted Shalini Ajith and her daughter Anoushka at the same restaurant as he was in before the lockdown but he did not go up to her to greet her since he hasn’t acted with her and did not personally know her. Interestingly, it was not the only time and this happened thrice. During the third time, the hotel manger had apparently called Prithveeraj asked his permission to share his number with Shalini Ajith. “I received a call from Shalini Ajith the very next moment and she apologised for not coming and talking to me when she saw him at the hotel. She had apparently informed Ajith about seeing me and not coming up and talking to me and she revealed that Ajith was upset with her for that. He had told her that I was a senior actor, his friend and his school senior as well and that she should have come and talked to me,” he stated. “He needn’t have done that. It shows his upbringing and class. He is a perfect gentleman,” he concluded in his interview.