Suriya is also working on Edharkum Thunindhavan, directed by Pandiraj. He has also signed up for two untitled projects with director Bala and Siruthai Siva for which he will start shooting early in 2022. The Bala film is also produced by Suriya under his banner 2D Entertainment and he is likely to play a supporting role in it according to sources.Suriya has collaborated with Bala before in Nandha and Pithamagan.
The latest buzz is that Aishwarya Rajesh has been signed up to play the role of the leading lady in this movie. The reports suggest that a photoshoot was done by Bala recently in Chennai with her. This is the first time Bala is pairing with Aishwarya Rajesh. Speculations are also that Balasubramaniem is signed as cinematographer and GV Prakash as Music Director. Fans are still awaiting the official confirmation on this project.
Aishwarya Rajesh was last seen in Boomika in Tamil and Tuck Jagadish and Republic in Telugu. She is currently working on movies like Driver Jamuna and Mohandas in Tamil. Apart from that, she is also working on the remake of The Great Indian Kitchen which is currently a bilingual untitled project. She is awaiting the release of Dhruva Natchathiram as well.