Hailing from humble roots, Aishwarya Rajesh has carved herself as one of the most versatile and critically acclaimed actors in the South film industry. Know for her diverse repertoire of films and valiant selection of roles, Aishwarya, who started her career in Kollywood has also been scouted by directors from the Malayalam film industry and the Telugu film Industry. The Kakka Muttai actor is now all set to make her debut in the Kannada film industry. The movie is titled Uttarakaanda, an action drama directed by Rohith Padaki. Aishwarya will be playing the role of Durgi, one of the main leads and the love interest of actor Dhananjaya. The movie also has a stellar cast including Shiva Rajkumar, Dhananjay, Diganth, Ramya, and Chaitra Achar. She recently took it to her Instagram today to share this news with her followers, she posted her character reveal poster along with a picture with the director of the film, Rohith Padaki, and her co-actor Dhananjaya.
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On workfront
The actor was last seen on DeAr and has an interesting line up of films in Tamil and the malayalam film industry including Karuppar Nagaram,Mohandas,Theeyavar Kulaigal Nadunga,Ajayante Randam Moshanam and Her