Pooja Chinchankar retired on Tuesday after a Mumbai-Bangalore-Mumbai flight. Just 10 minutes before the flight was slated to land, the pilot in command used the passenger announcement system to inform the passengers about Pooja’s retirement, which elicited passengers to cheer as she walked down the aisle one last time. Ashrrita also tweeted the image and video of the same.
So happy and honoured to be able to pilot the one flight that mattered. It was my mom’s dream to have me pilot her last flight as an Air Hostess with @airindiain 🙂 As she retires after her glorious 38 years of service, I will be carrying on with her legacy 😇 #grateful #proud pic.twitter.com/zcUTNCENzj
— Ashrrita (@caramelwings) July 31, 2018
She also put up a video of her mother being cheered on by passengers.
For all of you who asked 🙂 that’s mom on her last flight as an operating cabin crew for @airindiain what a lovely day and what amazing passengers! So many best wishes and hugs ♥️ of course I was in the flight deck 🙂 #proud #grateful pic.twitter.com/eUL3Og4EBr
— Ashrrita (@caramelwings) July 31, 2018
Truly a happy story!