Siva in Remo.
The character Siva played by Siva Karthikeyan in Remo is highly irritating. For starters, he falls in love with a girl he barely met few minutes and then sings a song where he says he will not accept her if she comes just like that, he will go behind her and irritate her and only then accept her. Great fantasy, but what comes next is the shocking part. He actually does it. He just like that follows this random girl to her house and sees she is engaged, any sensible person would walk away, but Siva decides to stalk her and worse disguises himself as a woman and does fake nurse duty in a hospital, because no one cares about some man handling patients, all one needs is him wooing the love of his life who he doesn’t even know. He does stupid things and considers it romantic. Worse, he sings songs telling the girl betrayed him when she didn’t even know who he was. However, as in all Tamil cinema, the hero wins because the heroine is stupid enough to believe him.
Kajal in All in all Azhaguraja.
Kajal has done many meaningless roles, but this one is the worst of them all. The whole film was stupid, but her character was testing the patience of many. She plays Chitra Devi Priya who is the daughter of a rich business person. She manages her own theatre, considers herself a great singer, and realizes she is bad only after the hero tells it. Hadn’t she heard herself before? She takes Bharatanatyam classes from a man who whips himself on the streets and earns money, she doesn’t even realize what she is learning is not Bharatanatyam. She is an adult woman, by the way. Even a child knows the dance form, but Rajesh’s heroine doesn’t. Above all, she falls in love with a guy who says she will fail in anything she tries when she fails at killing herself. Though the whole film is irritating, she is the one who people found the most irritating.
Hansika in Romeo Juliet
Hansika plays the role of Aishwarya in Romeo Juliet. She falls in love with a guy, assuming he is rich and breaks the engagement when she finds out he is a gym instructor who is not rich. Later almost immediately, she agrees to marry a rich guy, because he is rich. After some time she realizes she does not want to marry this rich guy because he sets her many rules, like doing yoga and getting up early. One has to notice that she liked it when he gave her, her own cabin in his office. So yeah, she calls off the wedding and runs back to the poor guy, because he doesn’t set rules. She expects him to accept her, even after she betrayed and when he doesn’t, she wants us to sympathize with her because hers is true love?
Although the movie attempted in bringing the confusion in a person, it did a really bad job and this character turned out to be super irritating. Girls are not this insensible.
Surya in 24.
24 was a good movie, Surya gave a great performance. He played a triple role and they were all good, except the youngest one, Mani. He is the son of the good Surya who gets the watch that can time travel. He can do so many good things with the watch, but instead, he uses it to cheat and make a girl fall in love with him. Again, he met this girl for the first time and decided to woo her. He repeats the same scenario again and again, irritating the audience. Things he does, assuming, they are cute, like placing bindi in the lady’s forehead and jumping inside Chepauk, middle of a cricket match are just irritating. How inferior does he feel about himself? So, he can’t talk and show his original face to impress a girl, he needs time travel?
Tamannaah in Siruthai.
When will directors realize that heroines playing dumb are not cute, but purely irritating? Tamannaah’s role as Swetha in Siruthai is by far the most irritating female lead character ever. She assumes a thief as a software engineer because he has big hands, how dumb can she get? She seduces a man she met for the first time in a wedding in the most inappropriate way. There are absolutely no signs of a matured girl in her, she behaves like this kid from another planet, but hey that is cute, isn’t?
Jayam Ravi from Thilalangadi
Four amazing actors, unfortunately, made this film in four languages. Surprisingly, no one noticed how irritating the lead’s characterization was *coughs* or didn’t want to. Krishna played by Jayam Ravi is this happy-go-lucky guy who swifts job and does much bizarre stuff to get a kick in his life. Maybe the movie tried telling do what you love in a different way, but the lad who has to say it all was badly written. Every time he does something in an attempt to be cute, brave, or funny, it ends up irritating us.