On May 5, Mollywood star Dulquer Salmaan and Amal Sufiya welcomed their first child, a baby girl. Ever since then, the fans of Dulquer and the fans of his superstar father, Mammootty have been eager to know more about the little princess. After a long wait, the couple finally named their child, Maryam Ameerah Salmaan. Makeup artist Reshma Grace posted a picture of a thank you card from Dulquer and Amal which held the name of their child. From what can be seen, looks like Dulquer and Amal are pretty excited.
Adding to this beautiful personal profile of the actor, here are 5 times Dulquer made us want a man like him:
1. His innumerable selfies and PDA rantings with his wife
Of course, Amal is super gorgeous but it is so not right to add so many pictures on social media because his public display of affection for his wife is just melting our feeble hearts.