Tamil cinema has seen numerous stars successfully venture to the small screen and leave their presence there too. It began with veteran K Balachander and Suriya, Prakashraj, Arvind Swami and even Kamal Haasan made a mark for themselves. Even actresses especially yesteryear heroines managed to make a name for themselves as not just as an actress in soap shows but successful producers too. From Radhika, Khushbu to Ramya Krishnan, a plenty of them are making waves in television shows.
Radhika Sarathkumar
The first and foremost name among actresses who enjoys a successful career in small screen is Radhika. Her romance with soap shows is almost a decade old. Beginning her journey with Chithi, she has wooed womenfolk in every household in a big way. The highlight was Vani Rani, in which she played two identical sisters diametrically opposite in character. Now she is out with Chithi 2.