Both Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara are awaiting the release of their latest film Kaathuvakula Rendu Kadhal, which is all set to release in theatres on 28th April. Meanwhile, Vignesh Shivan has already signed up for Ajith’s next, currently titled AK62. Speculations are that the couple is most likely to tie the knot even before Vignesh starts working on AK 62.
AK62 is expected to start towards the end of this year. The couple is apparently set to wed by June this year. While this is the buzz around, we still await an official announcement. Meanwhile, Nayanthara is all set to debut in Hindi with the movie Lion, for which she is currently filming. She is also filming for two other films, Godfather and Connect. She is awaiting the release of Gold and another untitled GS Viknesh film, which are currently in the post-production stage.