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“My Friend Was Bullied For Having Periods In 8th Grade”

The conversations on menstruation have forever been a taboo in our society. Although men have started coming out of their stereotypical social rules and have begun to speak about it, there still exists those stares thrown at girls occasionally when they see her holding a sanitary pad that has not been covered by a thick black cover or a newspaper. It’s so clear that almost everyone is completely aware about the biological mechanisms involved during a women’s menstruation period, given the fact that today’s education and television make it far more obvious. However, the obscurity lies around the question “Why is it still hidden?”

According to a study published by Psychology of Women Quarterly, researchers found that both male and female viewed menstruating women in a negative light. Some men claimed that women are more annoying, unreasonable and less nurturing while menstruating, while others identified those women to be less clean and fresh.

A 15- year- old high school sophomore took the internet by surprise in 2015 when he asked his followers to carry menstrual supplies with them if their female friends found themselves without it. His statement, and the  support he received from his followers are an evidence that the future generation will be more open to discussing menstruation in public just as any other topic.

We gave a shout to some men between the age of 20-30 and here’s what they said:

Vishal Anjukandi, a Hyderabad-based Freelance photographer and graphic designer said that times have changed and he thinks it’s a natural change that women go through! He also purchases sanitary pads for his wife and thinks it’s an important discussion!

Shreyas Mishra, a student from Chennai shared his opinion, “No i am not shy. In fact, it’s important for every guy to know about female menstrual cycle . To start with, teenagers should be educated about menstruation irrelevant of their genders. There was an incident when I was in 8th standard and a friend of mine got periods and just because she did not carry sanitary napkins, she couldn’t hide it from others to see it.  Another friend of mine bullied her as her skirt had stains and harassed her by laughing at her! I went home and narrated this incident to my mom. As I have three sisters, my mom took the initiative to discuss it with me. She also said that this should be taught in every Indian school. But as we all know, it needs a lot of effort from child’s parent’s side as well.”

Nikhil Sahane, a Bangalore-based media VFX artist says,” I was curious and discussed about periods with my mother when I was in my 4th grade. I still remember that she educated me on the subject and kudos to her, she handled it well and that’s why I am aware of it.”

Abhimanyu Kulkarni, a Journalist from Delhi says, “These days television commercials and movies are doing their bit in discussing about periods and the exposure in recent years has changed how men think about it. I have no problem or any misunderstanding about periods and am happy to discuss it.”

Benoy Joseph, an IT professional from Kochi, says, “Though I don’t shy away from discussing periods, I believe there still are many men out there who aren’t comfortable talking about  it. It really depends on their exposure and experiences.”

Though these are some really cool responses, we checked for some online responses too! Quite the opposite!




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