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Moms and Babies Raise Awareness Through Flash Mob!

Garuda mall in Bangalore had a rather unusually interesting event taking place on Sunday evening.  A group of women along with their new born babies broke into a flash mob creating quite a buzz among the audience. It is said that the group which was established by Adhunika Prakash in Pune was celebrating its third anniversary of Breast Feeding Support for Indian Moms(BSIM), a breast feeding and baby wearing support group in Facebook with over 17,000 members.

The organizer of the event, Medha Dixit while sharing the idea of the event and the science behind breast-feeding and baby-caring said, ‘The idea is to support women in the crucial post-pregnancy phase. We also support extending breast-feeding beyond six months according to World Health Organisation recommendations.’ She also said, ‘Science says baby-wearing has an impact on breastfeeding. When a baby is in skin-to-skin contact with the mother, milk production is more.’

Among the group was Charu, the mother who managed to turn quite a few heads by dancing with not one but two of her babies. This administrator for a spin-off closed group called Breastfeeding Support for Moms of Multiples India said “We also promote tandem wearing (wearing two children at once). We have our hands full managing the babies but by carrying the babies along with us, we can do things that we otherwise could not do. Keeping the baby close to us also increases the bond between the baby and the parent.”

Way to go Moms!!!