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Ignoring Mass Black-Out of Network, Aircel tweets about T20!

If #KamalHaasanPoliticalEntry and #KamalHaasanPartyLaunch are the two most trending hashtags on Twitter, the third in the race was surprisingly Aircel! The company is facing a mass black-out issue and has been constantly having to address customer grievances from earlier in the day. As most people called to complain, Aircel issued a notice to their employees saying they need to, ‘brace themselves’ for a very bad hit. As the signals collapsed mid-noon, questions of whether the company is to shut down arose. As Aircel addressed, shut down is unlikely, their Twitter account reflected absolute negligence with a tweet wishing India for T20. See the tweet here:

Second T20 today, Will Team India seal the T20 series at Centurion…

— Aircel (@Aircel) February 21, 2018

The tweet has been immediately been criticized and meme-d endlessly on Twitter. Customers who have opted to port out to a different network as soon as the issue surfaced are now facing trouble too as their Unique Port Code is yet to reach them. Aircel customers are requested to wait a while before porting.