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Enjoy The Stillness And Slowness While It Lasts: Nithya Menen OPENS UP About Dealing With Quarantine During This Time!

Nithya Menen has become a quintessential actor known not only for her versatile choice in roles but also for her uninhibited attitude when it comes to everything, from the industry to the world and life in general. Subsequent to making her Bollywood debut and having single-handedly shouldered an entire film, Nithya Menen has a very fun and soulful personality that would make you fall in love with her on and offscreen.

In an exclusive interview with JFW, Nithya opens up about the situation around us and more.

Enjoy the slowness

“The situation is currently very tense and it is quite easy for an individual to surround oneself with negativity what with all the news and numbers. But I truly believe that now is the time to switch off the news and enjoy the stillness, the slowness. Finding this has been and will be very rare. I feel that it is the time to enjoy this slow pace and not really think about how things are going to unfold in the near future. Honestly, I am going with the flow. Whatever happens, I know that all of us sailing in the same boat, we are in this together. There is no need to panic about the future because the present is crucial and its high time we just flow along with it.  In fact, this is situation is a huge lesson for all of us to live in the moment and every second of it.

I was at home during the announcement.

Nithya has a great number of lineups in a variety of languages. However, fortunately for the actress, she had no schedules to shoot for during the time the 21-day lockdown was announced. “Of course, shoots were planned in the coming months but I am sure they will all come together sooner or later. I am not too bothered about that. It is nice to not think too much about it and stay relaxed. I am sure everything will fall in place shortly,” she adds.



For a change, there is no routine.

Everyone had a routine when the situation was normal outside. Nithya believes that gladly there is no “routine” as such today to follow. She feels that this is a break everyone’s getting from their robotic routine life and we cannot agree more. “This is the best time to not have a routine. You can just live life without keeping up any timetables. All you need to do is do what you feel like at the moment. You can sleep well, wake up whenever you want, do happy things, cook, write, read – do what you just have missed for a long time. Even during my work, when I get a break I do not follow any routine. I am quiet and I just prefer going with the flow. Sometimes I prefer not doing anything at all – that is the kind of recharge I require. This is your time to recharge and rejuvenate as well.


This is a very interesting time

For just a moment if you keep aside the politics, the global health crises and numbers, there is really a very powerful reason why something like this is even happening on a global scale. There is a larger meaning to this. We may not be directly affected by the disease as yet but we are still in the lockdown and majority of our lives are largely affected by this. This is completely unexpected and this is a very unique time. It is creatively very energising considering that there are no construction sounds and traffic sounds, the places are quiet, nature is beaming and this really helping me write and read more.



Don’t feel pressurised.

Nithya has a very positive message to those feeling low and fearful. “Don’t feel pressurised and do not panic. When you stay indoors and with each other you are fine. It is okay to empathise with those affected but don’t tell yourselves that these are horrifying times and terrible things are happening. Don’t feel pressured to think that these are scary times. Most of us are at home with our families and this is not a bad time. This is your time to execute all the big things you have been planning to do for quite sometime now. These are our times to learn some big lessons and have big realisations. Embrace  this time and just go with the flow. I am positive that you would be able to derive something beautiful out of this time. Now is your chance,” concludes Nithya on a very positive and motivating note.