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Decor Ideas for Kid’s Rooms!

It is the circle of, well … kid, karma and of course drama when it comes to summer. You want them to stay indoors because it is too hot and yet they want to play outdoors because of course, it is summer vacation after all. No matter how much of screen time they get (which cannot be too much), what do you do to occupy them at home? London-based designer Lalitha Subeeshna, founder of REUP Designer Lab, Brighto, gives some insights into making this summer the best for you, your kid and your home.


Child-friendly indoor touches

Pastels and lights spell magic to you, yet your kid disagrees. As his or her room is filled with motifs or Dora and the minions, you both find it hard to come to an agreement regarding the living room and common areas. That is when dark and durable swoop in to the rescue. Experts say dark colours are something both a child and parent can agree on because it is both a sign of comfort and chic as well. Rethink your furnishings with darker hues especially indigo, peacock blue, muddy maroon, bottle green and the never-can-go-wrong, black. Dark colours can also mask tears and damages made by kids. When it comes to fabrics for furniture and furnishings choose durable materials such as leather or horse hair. Foam is the least durable of the lot so avoid it. Glass use should be lessened as well, instead opting for plastics or metals such as bronze for wares.

Yes, stylish homes and kids can co-exist

Let’s not typecast pink and blue for kids. Use of wallpapers with different and interesting patterns makes it more stylish to strike a balance between your tot and you. Choose images that bode well with your mindset; geometric patterns, scenes of nature, and the best of the lot – quirky slate type of wallpaper. You can use the same like a blackboard for kids to play games like hangman, Pictionary or keep your own schedule in place. It can also double up as a chore chart to make sure your kid is doing his or her fair share of work in the house.  Your furnishings and fabrics can also be best done in fun geometric patterns or figurines. When it comes to decor, not everything has to be toy-based. Invest in some good quality figurines that children will equally love and value such as wooden dolls, Raggedy-Anns and bronze dolls. Ship in a bottle is also a good way to go in terms of keeping the child occupied as well as enticed.

Take decor into your own hands

The best way to keep your kids and you focused is to have time well spent on ‘do-it-yourself-decor’. Reuse, recycle and simply rehash old stuff in your house to make for quirky elements you can place just about anywhere.

  1. Use chalkboard paint and make a scribbling corner for them to doodle their dreams. Around switches, near furniture are the best places.
  2. Convert used shoe boxes and cartons into keepsakes such as planters or toy/books storage by wrapping them with colourful gift paper or fabric to add a pop of colour and pattern.  
  3. You can use your child’s colourful socks as foot cover for tables and chairs. Friction becomes less too.  


Kid-proofing your home

Whether you have a toddler or pre- teens, the coffee table becomes the first target. We know how attached you can be to that glass top with wooden legs you first bought when you were just a love nest for two; but now that productivity and convenience takes priority you need to rethink tables. Get one without a bottom plank in preferably all wood or steel. Metal furniture can be jazzy in their own way. Get rounded edge furniture instead of sharp edged ones. Opting for rounder pieces around the house shows pattern of discipline as well.

Some more hacks:

– Go for blinds and shades instead of curtains. No more tears or stains – just plain old pull up and pull down.

– Ottomans are great pieces of furniture to have with children around. They double up as stools for kids and footrests for the adults.

– Have customised welcome mats printed with your tot’s footprint on them will make your child feel loved and guests will find it adorable too.

– Put some thoughts into indoor gardening as it is important in this era of climate change. Summer is the best time to put your green thumb to use. Make planters out of old glass vases, jam bottles. These can also be a great addition to their room.