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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Being A Vegetarian!

“To eat meat or not to eat?” is the question that haunts many of us. The negative impact of animal foods and their associated damages pitted against the deficiencies and other drawbacks resulting from following vegetarian diet has contributed to this state of confusion. However, the key is to plan the meal carefully so as to include all nutrients required by the body in adequate amounts.


Types and Kinds

Vegetarians typically don’t eat meat, poultry or fish. However, different types of vegetarian diets exist:

Lacto vegetarians: Eat dairy products but exclude meat, fish, poultry, seafood, and eggs

Ovo vegetarians: Include eggs but avoid all other animal products including dairy

Lacto-Ovo vegetarians: Include eggs and dairy products, but omit meat, fish, poultry and seafood

Vegans: Exclude all products of animal origin including honey

While there are many benefits to eating a vegetarian diet, there are some inherent disadvantages too, but by making a conscious effort to eat the right quantity and combinations of food, the benefits of vegetarianism can outweigh the disadvantages.

Pros of a Vegetarian Diet


Better weight management: It is true that people who follow a vegetarian style of dietary regimen are less likely to become obese than those who follow a completely non-vegetarian diet. This may be because a vegetarian diet typically includes less saturated fat and emphasizes more on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and plant based proteins, which are lower in calories and are more filling. But a vegetarian diet is not automatically low in calories. Despite being vegetarian, if the portion size is too big or too many calories are consumed at one go, you can put on oodles of weight.

Potential health benefits: Potential health benefits include lower rate of cardiovascular diseases, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy. Cardiovascular benefits come from the lack of fatty meats, which are high in saturated fat. Also, vegetarian food is comparatively lower in bad cholesterol than the animal sources, which if included can increase the risk for heart disease.


Increases antioxidant intake: Vegetarian eating usually follows an increased intake of wholesome food such as fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes and whole grains, which in itself is a great opportunity to include plentiful antioxidants in the diet. Consuming adequate amounts of natural antioxidants helps in maintaining health by minimizing the effect of free radicals, the main reason for cellular damage. Although red meat contains antioxidants, its good effects are negated by the high amounts of bad cholesterol present in it.

Reduced risk of food-borne illness: Food that constitutes meat, poultry, fish or any seafood is frequently involved in food-borne illness outbreaks. A vegetarian diet helps avoid some of the virulent forms of food borne illnesses, which primarily influence children and those with poor immunity. In addition, artificially injected hormones and chemicals fed to the animals also leave their negative effects in meat and poultry. These unwanted contaminants are stored in the tissues of animals and are then consumed by meat eaters.

Cons of a Vegetarian Diet


Possible nutrient deficiency: Vegetarians are more susceptible to nutrient deficiencies and, the more restrictive their diet is, the greater the chance of them not meeting their nutritional requirements. The nutrients, which require special focus by vegetarians, include protein, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamin B12. Individuals following a vegan diet, which excludes dairy products and eggs, especially need to focus on vitamin B12. They might have to reach out for B12 fortified products or supplements. Combining the plant sources of iron with foods rich in vitamin C increases the absorption of iron more efficiently. Omega 3 fats are absolutely critical for vegetarians because they naturally have high amounts of omega 6 in their diet, from all vegetable derived oils and nuts. It is essential to balance omega 6 with omega 3 fatty acids in order to avoid the risk of chronic diseases. Walnuts and flaxseeds are rich vegetarian sources of omega 3 fats.

Protein malnutrition: Mostly vegetarians tend to include adequate amounts of total protein in their diet. But plant based proteins lack certain amino acids that can lead to malnutrition if not taken care of. There are certain amino acids and related compounds that are not technically essential but are useful in the diet, possibly under specific conditions and needs, which are mostly found in animal products. Some of the best protein sources that possess good amounts of various amino acids in the vegetarian diet include pulses (like beans, lentils, peas, soy products), grains (like wheat, buckwheat, oats, barley, millet), nuts (like almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts), and seeds like sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds.

False assumption of automatic health benefit: Despite the potential health benefits of following a vegetarian diet, the effects are not automatic. Just cutting down on meat, poultry and seafood does not turn a meal healthier. You have to make sure that the entire meal is well balanced with healthy food choices. If vegetarians replace meat with high-fat cheese, margarine, junk food and saturated fats, they are unlikely to reap many health benefits out of it. In fact, there is no meat in ice cream, chips and brownies but it hardly constitutes a healthy meal. Whether you follow vegetarianism or not, a healthy meal has to be low in cholesterol and saturated fat and be based around fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein.


A Healthy Balance

The digestive system of the human body can digest both vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods, yet it is always better to be moderate with meat and other animal source consumption. Consuming fish about three times a week or lean meat and poultry about once or twice a week is not going to harm you if accompanied with regular physical exercises in order to stay fit and healthy. As for vegetarians, a well-balanced diet with adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains cereals, pulses and low-fat dairy products are a must on a daily basis for a healthy living.