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9 Lifestyle Disasters Which Are Affecting Your Health!


When you just shove down food, it doesn’t give your brain enough time to catch up with your stomach. Studies says that it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to tell brain that it has had enough. If you just gulp down your meal in less than ten minutes, then you are eating more than you need. Eating quickly is highly associated with being overweight.




We are all guilty of snacking round the clock and most often on high calorie food that are full of empty carbs. We find ourselves endlessly munching junk and fast food. Studies say that kids are more prone to unhealthy snacking and are found munching on chip, candy even when they are not hungry.




Food is not a coping mechanism. If you have had a bad day or having troubles in your relationship, eating to fulfill that void is not an option. It will just make you feel worse after a point. A number of studies confirm that emotions, both positive and negative, can cause people to eat more than they should. This can be an easy weight-loss stumbling block.




Never skip meals, especially breakfast! It is one of the most important meals of your day as it boosts your metabolism for the day. Do not skip meals to reduce your weight! In fact skipping meals only leads to obesity. Skipping meals slows your metabolism and boosts your hunger. You end up binge eating at the end of the day! So stop skipping meals.




Eating late night is not a good idea if you are trying to lose weight! You significantly gain weight eating the same food at night than at day. It also matters what food you choose to have at night. Try and avoid having food at all but if you are really hungry have something light or fruits.




While serving food, people opt for larger plates. It directly translates to more calories and more body fat. As they have served themselves a large plate, most of the time people end up finishing large portions. Serve smaller portions of food for yourselves. If need be, you can always go back for second serving.




The so called ‘low fat’ food do more harm to your body than good. Ideally, they save you only a few calories and in doing so they replace harmless fats with low-performing carbohydrates that digest quickly. This causes a sugar rush in your body and later your hunger is just rebound!




One can’t stress more on the importance of drinking water. If you make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day, then you’ll probably feel less hungry. Drink water even when you do not feel thirsty, The general rule is that if you feel thirsty, then you may already be dehydrated.  Also try avoiding drinking off plastic bottles.




Not getting enough sleep or over sleeping is one of the reasons that ruin your weight loss regime! Always find time to sleep a good 7-8 hours. This will not just help you reduce weight but will also find yourself more energetic and active if you give yourself a good night’s sleep.


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