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6 Tips To Create A Magical Garden!

Gardening is a fascinating hobby which adds a chic quotient to any area and gives a boost to the environment. With space being in short supply, indoor gardens have garnered the interest of plant lovers the world over

Think gardens and a vast expanse of open land float in mind, a land with chirping birds, buzzing bees, green leaves and radiant flowers. Gardening as a hobby can be therapeutic in that it refreshes the mind and body. Start an indoor garden and welcome Nature into your abode.

There is many an upside of starting indoor gardening. Leading the chart is the fact that the colour green adds a fresh influx of energy and brightens up your life as well as your home. Having plants inside the house, however requires a fair bit of planning. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you take up the hobby.



The Perfect Spot

Finding the perfect spot for your plants is half the battle won. Keep in mind that it is important for the space to receive plenty of light and good circulation of fresh air. A balcony or terrace is the ideal set up, especially if you are interested in having a variety of plants. You can try mixing things up by accommodating a planted beauty in a corner of the living area adjacent to a balcony or window or by hanging a pot in your kitchen window. In case you wish to have a plant in a slightly dark corner, you could do so using artificial light fixtures to substitute for the natural light. On the other hand, while light is good, heat is not! Too hot a spot might spell disaster for your greens, as would round the clock air conditioning.


Functional vs. Ornamental                                                                                                                                    Identifying what types of plants you wish to have is important. For example, you could try a little herb or vegetable garden on your balcony or terrace, or go for something showier like a flamingo flower, a zebra plant. Crotons or potted palms look great in corners.Functional or purely decorative, there’s plenty to think about. You could buy seeds or new plants that only need planting

Getting started

Once you have decided where you are going to place your plants, it is time to get on the road with the right tools for the job. For beginners, individual 6” pots are ideal. The material of the pot in itself is not important however, sufficient drainage is critical. Using the right soil makes all the difference. You cannot consider using outside ‘dirt’ as it is too dense and will not allow air to circulate or the water to drain. Standard potting mixes are available at all garden centres, which are typically fine to use. Care should be taken to keep this mix sterile to avoid infections in the new plants. Adding an additional fertilizer or compost is recommended to give the plants a nutrient boost in the beginning. Hanging pots make a very pleasant decorative piece without consuming too much space but keep in mind that it should be a spot that is easily reachable for watering and such. Keep a clean spraying can handy, which can be used to water the plants. It can also be used to lightly spray the leaves to keep them clean and infection free.

Nutrients, Water, and Pests
At the onset, fertilizers are necessary on a regular basis (weekly), as the growing plants will be eating like teenagers. It is important to keep a close eye on the water levels. Every plant has different water requirements. Unlike herbs, vegetables are a bit more selective about their environment. Ensure that the plants do not become too dry by watering them regularly. Don’t leave your plants thirsty! On the other hand, over watering is a more common problem with equal or worse consequences. Keep an eye on the plants to gauge how much water they need and check regularly behind leaves for mould. Drooping is a sign of needing water, while plants that start dropping leaves are probably over hydrated.

Indoor plants are generally safe from a lot of the pestilence that troubles outdoor plants. However, organic pesticide sprays are available to discourage worms and aphids. It is recommended that the pots, soil and garden area be cleaned out yearly, or at the time of re-potting. It helps keep the rogue pestilence at bay.

All in all, it is a great project and a lot of fun to maintain. Fresh vegetables all year long are a great joy and helps get through the winters. It’s also a great project to have if you have kids and will teach them a lot about how plants grow.

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