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6 Mommy Types We Love! Which One Are You?

Parenting is a task no matter what you may say. Here Preethi Shanker takes a lighter, more humourous spin on an age topic of motherhood and parenting. Think a little, ponder a little, laugh a lot! Congratulations… to all the moms out there, both new and old. You have been selected to fill a position whether you are equipped for it or not.


Who Me? Yes You!

Pretty much every job on the planet needs some kind of qualification, some experience and some hands-on knowledge in the field you are entering. Even for something like cutting hair, you need a qualification. I highly doubt NASA would allow you to fly into space, just because you’ve watched so many astronauts fly their space ships (both in real life and in movies). How then, is something far more treasurable than a space ship, aka your baby, placed in your care when you have no prior experience whatsoever? Something to ponder on…


Which Type Are You?

We have all heard the saying– ‘each child is different’; the same rings true to mothers too – no two moms are alike. Here are few mommy styles you would notice if you observe other moms around you.









If you are a mom, we are sure you can relate to being in one or more of the above categories. Whether you are a newbie or a weathered veteran, mommying comes with its own battle scars. And no matter what kind of mom you are, you are all doing the best you can and are all experts in your right. But then the crucial and fundamental question of all – what makes you an expert? Is it about the years of experience or the number of children in your own little brood?


This we may not know, but one thing’s for sure – you can only be an expert at bringing up your own kids. No one in the world can tell you otherwise – not an expert soccer mom, not a working mom of four, not your own mother, noteven Oprah herself. After all, your shoe doesn’t fit the entire village. So all we can say is, muster up all the remaining energy you have after a day of mommying and channel it into beating your level 92 on Candy crush. And here’s the kicker – don’t feel guilty about it. Not one tad bit!