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5 Things That Change After You Get Married!

Your wedding day is the happiest day of your life, you’ve found your soul mate after all. It marks the beginning of a new life, a new relationship and comes with them a set of new responsibilities. While the earlier notion of life after marriage has definitely changed, a woman is no longer ‘just a wife’. She is independent, puts forth her views and ideas without hesitation, has the freedom to make her own decisions and do many more. When you tie the knot, there are some things that definitely do change, from something as basic as your day-to-day logistics to dealing with tricky situations, it’s not just you that you think about.

Here are a few ways in which life changes after marriage:

Realizing that your life is intertwined with another’s and that you are, in part, responsible for that person’s well-being means that your entire outlook will change. That’s a big deal.

  1. You: You’ll still be the same ole you. You’ll just see yourself differently.
  1. Your sex life:If your sex life changes at all, it’ll get better.
  1. Your past:Any guy who thinks marriage is a way to escape the past is fooling himself.
  1. Your finances: If you were broke going into the wedding, chances are you’ll be broke coming out, and vice versa.
  1. Your happiness: If you’re getting married solely to fill a void in your life, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Marry your fiance because you want to spend the rest of your life with her, period.

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