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5 Amazing Beauty Benefits Of Bananas

You can use it to improve the texture of your skin or strengthen your hair from the roots. Bananas can be used in numerous ways to provide natural beauty. Discover the goodness of this fruit by using it to better the way you look. The beauty behind bananas is its simplicity; they are cheap, readily available and aren’t messy like some other home beauty ingredients. For porcelain skin and luscious locks, look no further than the potassium-rich bananas.



Bananas are anti bacterial in nature and are excellent in treating skin blemishes, acne as well as pimple. The antioxidants and vitamins in bananas restore collagen in the skin and are useful for anti-aging purposes.  Applying banana pulp on the face makes the skin supple and soft. You can even use the pulp of the banana along with the regular face pack that you use.

Banana peel contains antioxidants and potassium, so simply rubbing it on your skin can be of great help. Regular application of banana enhances the glow on your face. You can even mix the pulp of banana with honey in order to give a moisturizing effect to your skin.

Banana face pack recipes




Using bananas for hair helps you in managing it better, gives it a shine and prevents dandruff. It has excellent medicinal properties and is one of the best natural ingredients to nurture your scalp and hair with. Damages caused to hair with exposure to dirt, pollution and other environmental toxins can be treated with the banana mask. It helps in protecting the hair from further damage. These facts may be surprising given banana’s gooey and mushy texture, but bananas are proven to be helpful in smoothening and protection of hair.

If you have dry, frizzy hair or a flaky scalp, add bananas to your hair mask and watch these problems vanishing. It can also be used to combat dandruff, as regular use of banana honey hair mask can increase the moisture content of your hair.



Mash 2-3 ripe bananas to 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Before applying the mask to your hair, wet your hair to provide some moisture. Apply the mixture to every strand right from the roots to the tip. Now, tie your hair with a towel or a shower cap and allow the mixture to saturate your hair for at least 30 minutes and then shampoo and condition as usual.



Take a ripe banana and mix it with a cup of fresh yoghurt. Apply this paste to your scalp and leave it on for an hour. Do this religiously for a month and you will definitely feel a decrease in hair loss and at the same time the condition and texture of your hair will improve tremendously.



For dry, weak looking eyes, eating a banana a day can be of immense help. Since the fruit is laden with potassium, it helps to control the balance of sodium and release of fluid in your cells, which results in preventing dry eyes.