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4 Ways To Make Your Home Diet Friendly!

For all you know, you could be living in a place which is your diet’s worst enemy: your home. Shocking as it may seem, your own abode could be pulling you away from your dietary resolutions as it is often times ‘booby trapped’ with goodie filled corners and confectionery stocked freezers which make you give in to your sweet tooth and your food cravings much against your wishes. Make your home a diet friendly zone.



Do you know that playing fast paced music during mealtime can add those extra pounds around your waistline? Some independent researchers point out that you tend to eat a lot more and faster when you listen to music that is above 125 beats per minute during your repast. Loud music also makes you chew more quickly which is an unhealthy habit. Mild music makes you eat slow, thus giving your brain time to register if your tummy is full or not. It also encourages you to spend a longer time at the table. So, slow music or no music at all is the best! If you think the music matters a lot, you would be surprised to know that even lighting could affect your diet. Always eat your meals in bright light. Research shows that people who eat in dim lighting are less self-aware and tend to loosen their inhibitions. This is the cause of overeating.



The rule of thumb is to keep the dishes as far as possible from you. According to a study, you tend to eat about 10 percent lesser if the dishes are at a fair distance from you. This is because you do not bother to get up and go for a second or third helping of that Gajar ka Halwa or Cheese Lasagne. At the least, you will pause to consider how much you have already eaten and whether you need another helping. Keeping the extras away from you definitely helps!

A study conducted reveals that keeping the bedroom away from the kitchen helps you to fight midnight food cravings. If your bedroom or TV room is close, the number of times you frequent the kitchen for fatty nibbles would be more. When you are watching something interesting, you would not want to pause it and walk all the way to the kitchen to grab something to eat. Hanging a mirror in your line of sight also helps you eat smaller amounts of foods. Seeing yourself in the mirror makes you feel conscious of the amount of food you consume. This will help you exercise moderation while eating that large plate of creamy pasta.



Not getting enough sleep makes you gain weight. People who stay awake during the nights tend to indulge in snacks. Insufficient sleep regulates hunger pangs and disrupts hormones. He says that keeping the room cool will help in bringing down the body temperature. This will release a hormone called melatonin that triggers sleep. Experts claim that watching TV before bed stimulates your nervous system which will make it harder for you to sleep. So move the TV out of the bedroom.

Clean your wardrobe from time to time. Once you drop a size or two, get rid of those XL and XXL clothes. Keeping them in your wardrobe would undermine your confidence levels.



Chuck the bean bag and opt for the floor mat. Bean bags make you lazy. Try placing exercise equipment in view. So instead of lazing around in the cushiony sofa, getting on to the treadmill and doing some serious cardio can work wonders. De-cluttering your space also helps in burning your calories. A cluttered home cannot help you focus, which means you will find yourself mindlessly munching in front of the TV.