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4 Healthy Ways To Beat The Chennai Heat!

We all how hot Chennai gets in Summers and bad the heat is. We feel thirsty all day. Here are some ways to quench your thirst the healthy way, and they are all available at any street shop!



The best way to stay dehydrated is to have our very own traditional Buttermilk. It’s also serves as a digesting drink after a heavy meal on a hot day. Buttermilk soothes your stomach and washes down the spices you have had. It also prevents vitamin deficiency and reduces high blood pressure.



It is the best drink to beat your summer thirst. It is packed with sugar, electrolytes and minerals that energizes and hydrates your body. Coconut water too helps in digestion.



Water melon is rich in water content and is simply tasty to consume. It is fresh and filled with vitamins, minerals and nutrients to quench your thirst. Watermelon is a great electrolyte and eases the strain on kidneys.



Sugarcane juice and Lemonade are cheap and easily available in every street corner. They are one of the easy options to keep yourself dehydrated from the scorching sun! Sugarcane gives a lot of natural energy to the body. It has natural sugar and detoxifies the body. Lemon juice too hydrates and energizes the body. Lemonade is also a popular road side drink.


Written By: Subashini Suresh