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10 ways to De-Stress!

Between demanding jobs, kids and home, the mind is always in a whirlwind with bosses to please, bills to pay and other work to be done leaving no time to squeeze in some serenity. Let these de-stressing activities be at the top of your to-do-list. 

There are quick practices to relieve the sensation of pressure that mounts stress. So the next time you feel like throwing a chair at someone or punch someone in the face, try one of these methods to tame that demon called STRESS!

Opt for a short walk

Instead of obsessing over office after your working hours, put your walking shoes on to pep your mood and sort your head in any park nearby.  Change of scenery along with chirping birds and greenery are the perfect companions to put your mind in a Zen state. A short jaunt mellows down your frazzled state of mind and helps refocus your issues.


Have a secret stash of goodies like herbal teas, aromatherapy candles, bath salts, yummy chocolates, exotic oils, hand massager or whatever fancies you. Having your own ‘mini spa’ at home is a good escape from the crazy stress. A hot bubble bath, a book and some ‘me time’. Sounds good already eh?

Write it down

Scribble your anxieties away from the tip of your mind to the paper to release the steam. Any dilemma, anger, worry or fear should be jotted down, which allows the pent-up tension to reduce and helps calm your nerves. Suddenly the office blues or nagging partner won’t seem that big.


Indulge in your jolly side by engaging your mind in pleasurable ways. Get crafty, cook a new recipe, read, join a game, paint or find any fun project to experience. Scour Pinterest for tonnes of DIY inspiration to add some spin to your routine life.

Increase the tunes

Music therapy is the best way to block the world and uplift your spirits. With upbeat or soothing songs, you can hum your way to serenity. You can make a ‘Happy Playlist’ to put you in that groovy mood and take the edge off when stressed.

Vent it out

Update your speed-dial with people who help you stay cool as a cucumber and inject serenity. Meet or call a friend when you’re bummed and get off your chest whatever is attacking your mind. Your boiled up anger might just turn into giggles in no time.


Yes we know you’d like to conquer the world but we aren’t sure your sleep-deprived self can do a good job at it. Don’t skimp on a good night’s sleep but also take a power nap too. The world can wait.


We all harbor the attention-seeking little hell (smartphones) that with its constant alerts and demands only multiplies our anxiety levels.  Take conscious ‘tech-detox’ breaks to recharge your own batteries rather than furiously worrying about the batteries of your thousand gadgets. Disconnect shortly with the outside world and connect with your inside self.


In the manic pace of life today, even a five-minute meditation can detach you from stress. Retreating to a quiet space and taking out time to ‘meditate’ might seem daunting but it has been proven to keep stress at bay.

Positive self-talk

To silence our inner critic by reframing our thoughts is a surefire way to kill stress.  The continuous mental chitchat in our brain about expectations of how things should be is what creates additional pressure. Make your mind your personal cheerleader by giving yourself pep talks continually.