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10 Foods That Make You Look Younger

We all want to look younger as we age, we want to maintain a healthy and fresh skin. We list below, what foods contain the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can help you to keep your skin young! Remember there is no better way to look good than doing it naturally! 




Yes, you can all thank coffee! Researchers found that the more coffee people downed, the less likely they were to get melanoma. Coffee protects your skin from melanoma.  It is a type of skin cancer that develops from pigment containing cells. Those drinking four cups daily had a 20 percent lower risk of developing malignant melanoma over a 10-year period than non-coffee drinkers.




Blueberries have the quality to boost radiance. So feel free to use these berries to make yourself glow! Blueberries supply vitamins C and E, the two antioxidants that work in tandem to brighten skin, even out the tone and fight off free-radical damage.




Lobsters are high in zinc content and the shellfish has anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a range of skin annoyances including acne. Zinc has a property that can accelerates the renewal of skin cells. This is the reason you find this nutrient in many acne medications. In fact, research shows that people with acne have lower levels of zinc than people with clear skin.




Spinach has a long list of nutrients and one of them is vitamin K, which promotes healthy blood clotting, so the blood vessels around the eyes don’t leak and cause shadows (dark circles) Spinach also is rich in iron. Studies say, insufficient levels of iron in your diet may cause your skin to look pale, making it easier to spot blood vessels under the skin. So having spinach will make you look more lively!




This sweet melon contains vitamin A and promotes clear skin by thinning the outer layer of the dead skin cells. It also protects skin from the damaging rays of the sun. Eating high amounts of cantaloupe increases the water content in the body, thereby nourishing the skin and preventing fine lines and wrinkles.



Your fingernails and toenails are made of protein (we bet you did not know that!) so a protein deficiency can turn those them soft. Keep yours thick and strong and eggs will help you with just that! Eggs are a good source of biotin, a B complex vitamin that metabolizes amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein.




Walnuts are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are found in the natural oils that keep your hair hydrated. They are also rich in vitamin E that helps repair damaged stands. These are the two secrets behind strong, lustrous hair—and these nuts are full of both. All you need is 1/4 cup a day. What’s more, walnuts are packed with copper, which will help enrich your natural color. Studies show that being deficient in the mineral may be a factor in going prematurely gray.




The summertime favorite is loaded with lycopene. This antioxidant compound gives watermelon and tomatoes their red color—and helps skin from UV damage. Researchers believe that the melon contains as much as 40 percent more of the phytochemical than raw tomatoes; that’s the equivalent of an SPF 3, so use it to boost your daily dose of sunscreen.




Avocados are a rich source of protein, vitamins and other vital substances that can make your skin soft, hair shine and skyrocket your beauty quotient. Avocado contains vitamins A, C, E and K, which help a great deal to improve overall skin health and impart instant glow. Avocado is an efficient multipurpose beauty essential that nurtures your skin without the chemical additives which are found in many over-the-counter beauty products.




The seeds of this wonder fruit are bursting with antioxidants, like vitamin C, that prevent fine lines, wrinkles and dryness by neutralizing the free radicals that weather skin. Studies have found that higher intake of vitamin C lessened the likelihood of dryness and wrinkles in middle-aged women. Also present in the fruit is, anthocyanins, which helps increase collagen production and gives the skin a firmer look. Pomegranates also contains ellagic acid which is a natural chemical that reduces inflammation caused by UV damage.