Health & Wellness

Why Do You Get Stressed & How To Be Stress Free?

Dr. Gita Arjun answers!

Stress busters

First and foremost, if you want to stay healthy, you have to learn how to manage stress. The best way is to identify the trigger and analyze it. Then move forward, confront the problem and work out a solution. Take a break from the situation. And most importantly, be forgiving of yourself. Most people get stressed because they blame themselves for something that has gone wrong; the misplaced guilt then gnaws at you and this leads to even more stress. You have to break this relentless cycle.

Specific stress busters include:

  • Listening to music
  • Meditation/ pranayama
  • Setting aside time for yourself
  • Exercising regularly
  • Going out and having a good time: you deserve it
  • Unburdening yourself to someone close to you. Just talking about the stress-trigger to a sympathetic person will lift some of the pain off you
  • Sharing laughter with family or friends



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