Health & Wellness

Why Do You Get Stressed & How To Be Stress Free?

Dr. Gita Arjun answers!

I wake up almost every morning with a mild headache. I have not slept well in the past few days. The prospect of going to office fills me with trepidation. I have palpitations that threaten to burst my heart. I had a full check up done with my doctor and she said that my blood pressure was normal and I was otherwise healthy. What is wrong with me?

You seem to be afraid and nervous about going to work. Do you have a problem with your boss or a co-worker? You may also be feeling overwhelmed by having to manage your office work along with your duties at home. You seem to be suffering from stress. You are not alone in what you are feeling. Stress-related complaints lead to 75 percent of physician visits all over the world!

Stress may manifest in different ways in each person. You may feel nervous, agitated or anxious. You may feel overwhelmed. Stress works in insidious or overt ways. It can affect us physically, emotionally and mentally. The dangers of unmanaged stress are significant. Stress can bring on symptoms that mimic a heart attack, depression or anxiety. The palpitations that you are experiencing are a classic symptom of stress. If you don’t deal with your stress, it may lead to serious illnesses and health problems, including high blood pressure and ulcers.

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