
What Do Teenagers Expect From Their Parents?

An Open Letter From A Teenager!

Earlier, I used to be really scared when our teachers yelled and on how they would comment on the way we dress! Have you seen the way teenagers dress and behave these days? C’mon! It’s time we accept present day realities instead of cribbing about the past. Would it be nice to live like prehistoric humans? NO!- change is the only constant thing in this world and the new age giants you face are retro cum flamboyant, pop cultured, worn out clothed ‘Monsters’.. Let’s rephrase that “Teenagers”.

What do we really expect from our parents?

  • The need of the hour is new age parenting which requires a parent to be a friend and a role model. Teenagers require parents who support and trust them even after they stumble. Parents trust your teen kids! Cause if you don’t who else would? Then there is no blaming your child for getting into the wrong company because if you don’t believe or listen to them, they look out to others who would. When your teen complains to you that his/her teachers are making him/her feel miserable for something he/she  had done in the past, instead of telling the child that he is paying for his/her mistakes, support him/her and take the matter seriously. If you don’t, then your teen would start valuing his/her friends advise more than yours and in fact he/she  might even start to ignore you and stop taking you seriously.


  • Encourage your teen to respect elders and not to fear them. Fear and respect are two different emotions; this will help your teen to live with self confidence. If your daughter complains that she is being stalked in public, instead of levying restrictions or blaming her,  address the issue and question the stalkers so that your daughter will not hesitate to come to you in the future.


  • Never hit or abuse your teen in public. When your kid tells you or if you find out he/she has a crush, talk to him/her patiently instead of throwing abuses both physical and emotional. It’s not a crime or a sign of abnormality to feel attracted to the opposite sex. It is more psychological than physical. Do not shy away from telling your teen about the mistakes he/she might make and regret later on in life. This will help your teen learn about the Laws of Infatuation.


  • Fathers, please respect your better half because your sons are learning from you. Mothers, inculcate discipline but don’t nag them. Above all, never compare him/her to another child!. Remember every child is unique.


  • Let your kid cry in peace when he/she is moody grant him privacy. If you find out your teen is up to mischief don’t confiscate their privacy or opinions by taking away the smartphone or imposing a house arrest. That’s harsh.


  • FORGIVE! At the end of the day, please remember that they are only children regardless of the fact they are 8 or 18. Adolescence is defined as a kid expected to behave like an adult. Don’t tackle him/her according to your level of expectations.


  • Never blame another child for spoiling yours.


  • Encourage a child with different insignificant talents instead of the stereotype of encouraging a child who is academically excelled. In the future your teen might end up waking up to go to a job which he/she dreads going to.


This is a letter written by an 18-year-old after gathering opinions of some fellow teenagers! Of course parents are a lot more experienced, but it helps to know what’s cooking in their minds too.


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