Food & Nuitrition

Is Rice Bad For You? Here Are 4 Myths You Should Not Believe!

We love our beloved rice! Don’t we?


Rice is bad for you

It is a common myth that the white foods are bad, mainly rice. Many celebrities are known to avoid rice in their diets. This is false.  Rice as a whole may be harmful, but rice forms may be consumed without any worry. Foods like idli,appam, idiappam, rice noodles and sushi are all good ways of gaining the nutrition from rice without the harmful calories of the same. Eating rice based products and foods will lead to lesser consumption of actual rice, and add more balance to your diet.

South Indian steamed foods are the best for health and contain rice. It is the oily dosas and pesarattus that are a cause for concern. So you don’t need to deprive yourself of these rice delicacies that are kind to your waistline! While eating sushi, the actual quantity of rice isn’t as much as it would be if you were having rice with rasam and sambar. Sushi contains raw vegetables like avocado, mushroom, cucumber, carrot and radish, all of which is necessary dietary fiber for the body.


Junk food is bad

This myth is only partly true, as junk food in general should be avoided. However, your favourite mouth watering delicacies can be enjoyed if made at home. The problems with junk food are usually not the ingredients but the manner in which it is prepared. The oil it is made in as well as the conditions under which it is prepared are source for extra calories and/or indigestion after consuming these products. If made at home with organic oils and carefully cleaned ingredients, even the most dangerous of junk foods can actually be that much needed treat you need!

Examples of this are bhelpuri, samosas, French fries and cholebatura. Bhelpuri, when made at home, can be one of the most nutritious meals as it contains coriander and tomatoes. Potatoes can be replaced with channa, sprouts, and other healthy alternatives.  So you can enjoy your chaat without having to starve yourself the next day to keep in shape. Spring rolls made at home with organic oils and fresh vegetables are not as unhealthy as one would think.

Additionally, one has to keep in mind that foods like cheese, butter and ghee are in fact, quite heavy on the waistline and can be harmful, whether made at home or outside! Be careful to work out twice as hard when consuming these extra fatty foods.


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